Northampton youngster Izzie Gibbs passes through the 1xtra studio to blaze down a monster set for the #GimmeGrime presented by DJ Cameo. Izzie brings along fellow microphone dons Raw, Statz, Weirdoe, Rampage, Grimey and Cadell who proceed to go ham over a selection of the hottest Grime instrumentals from yesteryear. All mc’s spray fire bars full of gully lyricism, hype content, pars for rivals and skippy flows aplenty. Izzie is one of the scenes most exciting new artists and the talent joining him on the set here shows how Grime’s future will be solid! Very big show! Check out the skills, try not to wil’ out and leave us your feedback below…
Follow @izzieGibbs @Rawgz13 @Rampage_NN8 @Grimey_MicPol @statzdan @Weir_doe @CADELLOFFICIAL on Twitter
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