Grime MC’s Maxsta and Scrufizzer both dropped in on DJ Cameo’s BBC 1Xtra UKG Show recently, for a brand new #GimmeGrime freestyle sesh. Both mc’s went back to back, dumping bars over a range of Grime instrumentals, kicking off with an old school Grime instrumental, both going ham with the skippy, rapid flows, excellent, on point delivery, and spraying bars filled with punchlines, pars aimed at rival mc’s, and gritty lyricism. Check out this newly formed duo of Maxsta and Scrufizzer as they shell down an old school Grime set, a big one with Cameo on the decks, as they pumped energy in to your airwaves. Let us know what you think in the comments section below . . .
Follow @itsMaxsta @SCRUFIZZER on Twitter
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