JDZmedia met up with Urban Singer and Guitarist Luke C.J recently, as he gave a live performance of an acoustic cover of 2Pac’s ‘Thugz Mansion’. Luke C.J strums on his guitar, laying down a new rhythmic melody, unrecognizable to the original, as Luke also brings a different vibe to the track, with amazing vocalizing technique, singing his heart out and connecting with the emotion conveyed in the lyrics, as he too envisions a peaceful place where we can live in peace, away from crime, violence and poverty. Luke C.J mostly sings in low octaves, with hint of Country and Blues in his delivery. Luke C.J takes this track by 2Pac and flips it on it’s head, giving it a new lease of life. Take in Luke C.J’s captivating performance below and leave us your feedback in the comments section below . . .
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