Hip Hop Battle Rappers Mr Re and Lotta Zay took to the stage in a recent Don’t Flop Rap Battle, going head to head at Don’t Flop’s Sixth Annual Don’t Flop Birthday event. Mr Re, in his first international battle goes first against US rapper Lotta Zay making his debut, as both go on to trade punchlines in a battle of punchlines. Mr Re comes up with some of the best punchline disses, particularly the likes of referring to ‘ . . . slapping Lotta with the Maradona, that’s the hand of God’, and then follows that up by making a reference to King Arthur, ‘It’s like King Arthur, you just want to be on cam a lot’. Lotta Zay also has a fair few punchlines, including using British political figures to get at Mr Re, and he delivers a a mum joke or two, as well as some hard-edged lyrics, which Mr Re counters, by stating that they are not relevant, mentioning his lyrics are just about guns, and also calling him a singer and a fag. Both Lotta Zay and Mr Re have a few humorous and hilarious moments, such as Mr Re imitating Lotta’s aggressive, adrenaline delivery, but what grabbed my attention was when they both used each others’ names against each other in possibly the best punchlines of the battle. Mr Re rhymes ‘I think I’ve won the jackpot cause what is Lotta-Re’, whilst Lotta Zay hits back in the next round with the line ‘You’ll see Mr Re face up like a game of ‘Guess Who?’. Both draw re=actions from the crowd, which isn’t the only time, the crowd quite neutral, and feeling both artists. Mr Re, in my opinion, was the more lyrical of the two rappers, with more potency and relevant bars, although Lotta Zay matched his opponent’s creativity with the punchlines. My choice for the win would have to be Mr Re who held his own against strong opposition, coming out on top for being more direct, and hilarious at times with the punchlines. Check out the battle below and tell us who you think won in the comments section . . .
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